Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dry Season Rain? - Tørtids Regn?

Right now we are in the beginning of the rainy season, regular rain have started but the periods with rain are still short. There is no worries though since we are still in the beginning of April.

But what about the Dry Season, doesn't it rain at all? Yes it does, it simply rains much less than in the rainy season. And many Africans would say that it doesn't rain at all since the few drops that falls. equal to a normal European light rain hardly can be called rain at all.

In Vest Africa it does rain in the tropical sense two times during the Dry Season. At the beginning and the end of the Harmattan. You could say that this season comes and goes with a bang. If it rains a few drops during the Harmattan it is very important to take cover, because of the dust in the air these few raindrops will soil you close, sometimes beyond repair.

This is how it normally is. But this year has been different. During the Dry Season, there was five normal level rains, beside the two big bangs at the beginning and the end of the Harmattan. The Video below was made during one of these extra times.

Of course weir weather happens from decade to decade, but if you ask anyone in Ghana they will tell you that the climate is chancing. Just take the time the large turtles come to the beaches to lay their eggs. Normally it was in around December. Well not it is in August. The turtles need a very precise temperature of the sand for them to be able to successfully lay their eggs.

Is this all a result of the Global Warming? It is not discussed much in Ghana since a lot of people have never heard of Global Warming - They just know that the climate is chancing.

Lige nu er vi i begyndelsen af ​​regntiden. Det er begyndt at regne regelmæssigt, men det regner endnu ikke så længe af gangen. Der er dog ikke noget at kymre sig over for vi er jo stadig kun i begyndelsen af ​​april .

Men hvad med Tørtiden, regner det overhovedet ikke på den tid af året? Jo, det gør det simpelthen bare meget mindre end i regntiden. Og mange afrikanere vil nok sige, at det ikke regner overhovedet for de par dråber der falder, svarende til en normal dansk let regn, kan næppe omtales som regn.

I Vestafrika regner det i det tropiske forstand to gange i den Tørtiden. Ved begyndelsen og afslutningen af ​​Harmattanen. Man kan sig at den sæson kommer og går med et brag. Hvis det regner et par dråber under Harmattan er det meget vigtigt at søge dækning. For på grund af støvet i luften kan disse få regndråber svine dit tøj til, nogle gange så det er umuligt at få helt rent igen.

Sådan er det normalt men i år har været anderledes. Fem gange fik vi normal tropisk regn i Tørtiden, ud over de de regnskyl der normalt kommer i begyndelsen og slutningen af ​​Harmattanén. Videoen ovenfor blev optaget under en af disse ekstraordinære regnskyl.

Selvfølgelig kommer der usædvanlige vejrforhold fra tid til anden, men hvis du spørger ghaneserne vil de fortælle dig at klimaet er forandre sig. Tag blot de store skildpadder der kommer op på stranden for at lægge deres æg. Normalt kom de omkring december måned, men nu har de ændret tid til august. Skildpadderne har brug for en meget præcis temperatur på sandet for de er i stand til at lægge levedygtige æg.

Er det alt samme et resultat af den globale opvarmning? Det er ikke noget der diskuteres meget i Ghana, ja der er faktisk masse af mennesker der aldrig har hørt om den globale opvarming - De ved bare at klimaet er ved at forandre sig.

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